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Virtanen dostal „dovolenku“. Čelí obvineniam sexuálneho charakteru

Neexistujúci používateľ 02. 05. 2021 08:18
do hotela s nim isla hrat pexeso?
mike24 Ignorovať02. 05. 2021 08:34
Čo je toto sakra za argument?
Neexistujúci používateľ 02. 05. 2021 09:35
mas pravdu chcela si len pozret jeho hokejove karticky
Užívateľovi Islas sa páči tento príspevok.
mike24 Ignorovať02. 05. 2021 14:02
Škoda, že som vôbec reagoval.
BKLYN Ignorovať02. 05. 2021 09:46
Keď to povie Ruska tak stojí za hračom celá NHL
jazvac Ignorovať02. 05. 2021 10:33
Koho teraz myslis? Ak Panarina, tak tam sa ta "Ruska" nenasla doteraz.
Užívateľovi StanleyIII97 sa páči tento príspevok.
Neexistujúci používateľ 02. 05. 2021 10:37
tak tu rozpravku o panarinovi nemoze verit nikto pricetny
Užívateľovi StanleyIII97 sa páči tento príspevok.
konrad Ignorovať02. 05. 2021 13:01
Tak, ono akejkoľvek rozprávke z ruska nemôže veriť nikto príčetný
BKLYN Ignorovať02. 05. 2021 18:42
O čo je ináč podložené obvinenie američanky?!
NewJersey Ignorovať02. 05. 2021 10:09
boze dalsia chudera chce ojebkat bohateho chlapa....taka klasika vo svete nic noveho proste vymyslela si lebo chce love omg
Sgt.BenEchmeyer Ignorovať02. 05. 2021 11:18
The reported story of the Jake Virtanen allegation: "We had met in the Summer, and spent the rest of it talking, looking forward to seeing each other that Fall. When I finally visited Vancouver that September, he wanted to meet up one night but it was late so I suggested another day. He insisted on picking me up that night. I was staying with friends in North Van and I knew he lived around an hour away so I thought I’d be safe knowing he wasn’t just taking me back to his house and being put in a position I didn’t want to be in. After he picked me up I found out the team had them staying in a hotel and without asking or even telling me what was going on he drove me right to the hotel. As soon as we pulled up I felt uneasy but I figured I could go in and be safe. When we got into the room I was looking out on the balcony and he immediately came up behind me started putting his hands all over me and kissing my neck. I kind of shrugged him off then he put Netflix on. Within a couple minutes of the movie being on he started making out with me, I’d go along for a minute then pull away as I didn’t want things to escalate.It wasn’t long before he took off my shirt and as he did I said, "I don’t want to have sex" he said it was okay and we didn’t have to. Right after he went to unhook my bra, again I said, “I seriously don’t want to have sex with you” and again he assured me it was ok and we didn’t have to. We would kiss on and off but as soon as he would try to go further I’d again say no and he just kept reassuring me. He started taking off my pants complimenting me, telling me they were "nice pants" and again I said, "I don’t want to have sex with you, I’m serious" and again he reassured me we wouldn’t. It then got to the point where he kept kissing me and escalating things so I shot up and said "okay, maybe I should leave". He then kind of snapped out of it and said, "no, no if you really don’t want to we don’t have to", and for some reason I believed him and laid back down. No longer than 5 minutes went by and he was all over me, kissing me, being more persistent than ever. He had taken off his pants at some point during that time, and I found myself physically holding his hips off of me trying to keep him from going inside me while saying "no I don’t want to do this, I’ve said no" and he would say "just a little bit, come on just a little bit". We went back and forth like that till it got to the point that I physically couldn’t hold him off any longer, and after saying no well over a dozen times I just laid there, staring at the ceiling waiting for him to finish.I went in the bathroom and cried. When I came out he was trying to be all loving, saying "come on sugs, come cudds at least". He had told me earlier that he would drive me home but just made me sleep there instead. My eyes were wide open till I finally fell asleep. I asked him to drive me home in the morning and instead he was just going about his day, showering and getting ready acting like everything was good. Then told me he couldn’t drive me because he had to go to practice and just left me with money for a cab. I was so disgusted and conflicted about what had just happened, whether it was my fault for going in the hotel and my fault for not just leaving when I threatened to. I was 18 at the time and completely sober so I was fully aware of what was going on. With him being in a high position of professional hockey, almost no one believed that I didn’t want to, that he assaulted me and that he didn’t take no for an answer. Rumours circulated and people made it seem like something I should be proud of and "props" to me for sleeping with an NHL player.No one really believed that I genuinely felt violated and those who did just questioned me for not doing more to prevent it"
Užívateľovi StanleyIII97 sa páči tento príspevok.
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